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Monitor Dashboard Metrics

This document serves as a supplementary introduction to explain the metrics of each monitoring dashboard in the traffic monitoring section of the mesh instance. It aims to facilitate user queries and definitions.

Global Monitor

Global Monitoring

Category Parameters Description How to calculate
General Global Request Volume "Global Request Volume" represents the total request volume in the entire service mesh. Ops/s denotes the number of operations or requests executed per second. In Istio, this metric is typically used to assess the overall traffic in the service mesh. OPS/s = Total Operations / Time Period (seconds)
Global Success Rate (non-5xx responses) Global Success Rate (Non-5xx Responses) = (Total Requests - 5xx Responses) / Total Requests * 100
4xxs 4xxs represent client errors, indicating potential issues with the request (e.g., 404 indicates not found). ops/s = Number of 4xx responses received per second
5xxs 5xxs represent server errors, indicating that the server failed to handle valid requests correctly (e.g., 500 indicates internal server error). ops/s = Number of 5xx responses received per second
Virtual Services Measures the net growth of virtual services within the service mesh over a specific time range. By comparing the number of addition and deletion events, it is possible to understand the dynamic changes in services, which helps identify potential issues. max(Virtual Services && and) - max(Virtual Services && delete)
Destination Rules Measures the net growth of destination rules within the service mesh over a specific time range. By comparing the number of addition and deletion events, it is possible to understand the dynamic changes in services, which helps identify potential issues. max(Destination Rule && and) - max(Destination Rule && delete)
Gateways Measures the net growth of gateways within the service mesh over a specific time range. By comparing the number of addition and deletion events, it is possible to understand the dynamic changes in services, which helps identify potential issues. max(Gateway && and) - max(Gateway && delete)
Workload Entries Measures the growth trend of WorkloadEntry over a specific time range. By observing changes in workload, it is possible to quickly understand the dynamic changes in services, which helps identify potential issues. max(WorkloadEntry && and) - max(WorkloadEntry && delete)
Service Entries Measures the growth trend of Service Entries over a specific time range. By observing changes in Service Entries, it is possible to quickly understand the dynamic changes in services, which helps identify potential issues. max(Service Entries && and) - max(Service Entries && delete)
PeerAuthentication Policies Measures the growth trend of PeerAuthentication Policies over a specific time range. By observing changes in PeerAuthentication Policies, it is possible to quickly understand the dynamic changes in services, which helps identify potential issues. max(PeerAuthentication Policies && and) - max(PeerAuthentication Policies && delete)
RequestAuthentication Policies Measures the growth trend of RequestAuthentication Policies over a specific time range. By observing changes in RequestAuthentication Policies, it is possible to quickly understand the dynamic changes in services, which helps identify potential issues. max(RequestAuthentication Policies && and) - max(RequestAuthentication Policies && delete)
Authorization Policies Measures the growth trend of Authorization Policies over a specific time range. By observing changes in Authorization Policies, it is possible to quickly understand the dynamic changes in services, which helps identify potential issues. max(Authorization Policies && and) - max(Authorization Policies && delete)
HTTP/GRPC Workloads Service The name of the service, which combines the namespace where the service resides with the Kubernetes Service access information.
Requests The number of requests, representing the total number of requests within a specific time period. sum(rate(istio_requests_total{...}[1m]))
P50 Latency The median latency, where 50% of requests are completed below this time. histogram_quantile(0.50, sum(rate(...)))
P90 Latency 90% of requests are completed below this time. histogram_quantile(0.90, sum(rate(...)))
P99 Latency 99% of requests are completed below this time. histogram_quantile(0.99, sum(rate(...)))
Success Rate The success rate, indicating the percentage of successful responses (response status code not equal to 5xx) within the query time range. sum(rate(... response_code!~"5.*")) / sum(rate(...))
TCP Workloads Service The name of the service, obtained from the destination_service label in the provided Istio metrics, which includes the service's name. destination_workload
Workload The name of the workload, obtained from the destination_workload label in the provided Istio metrics, which includes the workload's name. destination_service
Bytes Sent The number of bytes sent per second. Calculated by accumulating TCP bytes using istio_tcp_sent_bytes_total and using rate to calculate the corresponding sending rate.
Bytes Received The number of bytes received per second. Calculated by accumulating TCP bytes using istio_tcp_received_bytes_total and using rate to calculate the corresponding receiving rate.
Istio Component-Based Version Visualization of Istio component build versions, showing the distribution of versions for each component and their deployment in different clusters. This is useful for understanding the health and consistency of Istio deployments. sum(istio_build{mesh_id="$mesh"}) by (component, tag, mesh_cluster)

Performance Monitor

Performance Monitoring

| Category | Parameters | Description | How to calculate | | ------------------- | ------------- | ------------------ | | VCPU Usage | vCPU / 1k rps | Displays the virtual CPU (vCPU) resources consumed per thousand requests (1k rps) in Istio, primarily querying istio-ingressgateway and istio-proxy. To ensure query efficiency, Istio only performs istio-proxy statistics when the number of istio-ingressgateway requests is greater than 10. | (sum(irate(container_cpu_usage_seconds_total{namespace!="istio-system",container="istio-proxy"}[1m]))/ (round(sum(irate(istio_requests_total[1m])), 0.001)/1000))/ (sum(irate(istio_requests_total{source_workload="istio-ingressgateway"}[1m])) >bool 10) | | | vCPU | Displays the overall usage of virtual CPUs (vCPUs) in Istio. | | | Memory and Data | Memory Usage | Displays the memory usage of Istio system components, measured in bytes. | sum(container_memory_working_set_bytes{pod=~"istio-ingressgateway-."}) / count(container_memory_working_set_bytes{pod=~"istio-ingressgateway-.",container!="POD"}) | | | Bytes transferred / sec | Displays the number of bytes transmitted per second by Istio system components, measured in Bps. | sum(irate(istio_response_bytes_sum{source_workload="istio-ingressgateway", reporter=~"\(reporter",destination_mesh_id="\)mesh"}[1m])) | | Istio Component-Based Version | | Visualization of Istio component build versions, showing the distribution of versions for each component and their deployment in different clusters. This is useful for understanding the health and consistency of Istio deployments. | sum(istio_build{mesh_id="\(mesh"}) by (component, tag, mesh_cluster) | | Sidecar Resource Usage | Memory | Displays the changes in the total working set bytes per minute of the sidecar container "istio-proxy," used to monitor the memory usage of Istio proxy containers. | sum(container_memory_working_set_bytes{container="istio-proxy"}) | | | vCPU | Displays statistics of virtual CPU (vCPU) usage by the sidecar proxy, showing the rate sum of CPU usage in seconds for the container "istio-proxy." | sum(rate(container_cpu_usage_seconds_total{container="istio-proxy"}[1m])) | | | Disk | Displays statistics of disk usage by the sidecar proxy, showing the sum of file system usage bytes for the container "istio-proxy." | sum(container_fs_usage_bytes{container="istio-proxy"}) | | Istiod Resource Usage | Memory | Displays the memory usage of the Istiod service, providing a comprehensive view: - Total: The total memory usage of the Istiod service in Kubernetes. - Container Memory: The memory usage of each container in the Istiod service in Kubernetes, including different types of memory usage such as virtual memory, resident memory, heap memory, and stack memory. | Total (k8s): "sum(container_memory_working_set_bytes{container=~\"discovery\|istio-proxy\", pod=~\"istiod-.*\"})" Container ({{ container }}) (k8s): "container_memory_working_set_bytes{container=~\"discovery\|istio-proxy\", pod=~\"istiod-.*\"}" | | | vCPU | Displays the virtual CPU (vCPU) usage of the Istiod service, providing a comprehensive view: - Total: Displays the overall CPU usage of the Istiod service in Kubernetes. - Container CPU Usage: Displays the CPU usage of each container in the Istiod service in Kubernetes. - Pilot: Displays the CPU usage of the pilot component in Istiod. | Total (k8s): "sum(rate(container_cpu_usage_seconds_total{container=~\"discovery\|istio-proxy\", pod=~\"istiod-.*\"}[1m]))" Container ({{ container }}) (k8s): "sum(rate(container_cpu_usage_seconds_total{container=~\"discovery\|istio-proxy\", pod=~\"istiod-.*\"}[1m])) by (container)" Pilot: "irate(process_cpu_seconds_total{app="istiod"}[1m])" | | | Disk | Displays the disk usage of Istio components in each cluster, particularly the file system usage related to the discovery and istio-proxy containers. | sum(process_open_fds{mesh_id="\)mesh",app="istiod"}) by (mesh_cluster) container_fs_usage_bytes{ container=~"discovery|istio-proxy", pod=~"istiod-.*"} | | | Goroutines | Displays the trend of the number of Go routines in each cluster for Istio components. | sum(go_goroutines{mesh_id="$mesh", app="istiod"}) by (mesh_cluster) |

Service Monitor

Service Monitoring

Category Parameters Description How to calculate
General Client Request Volume Displays the number of client requests for the current service every 5 minutes. If the result is empty, it is displayed as N/A. When the threshold exceeds 80%, it is displayed in red. round(sum(irate(istio_requests_total{reporter="\(reporter",destination_mesh_id="\)mesh",destination_service="$service"}[5m])), 0.001)
Client Success Rate (non-5xx responses) Displays the success rate of client requests for the current service every 5 minutes. It provides a visual way to quickly identify potential issues or trends. sum(irate(istio_requests_total{reporter="\(reporter",destination_mesh_id="\)mesh",destination_service="\(service",response_code!~"5.*"}[5m])) / sum(irate(istio_requests_total{reporter=~"\)reporter",destination_mesh_id="\(mesh",destination_service=~"\)service"}[5m]))
Client Request Duration Displays the request duration for client requests of the current service. Three targets are defined to calculate the durations of P50, P90, and P99. The expressions calculate the 50th, 90th, and 99th percentiles of duration. Example: (histogram_quantile(0.50, sum(irate(istio_request_duration_milliseconds_bucket{reporter=\"\(reporter\",destination_mesh_id=\"\)mesh\",destination_service=\"\(service\"}[1m])) by (le)) / 1000) or histogram_quantile(0.50, sum(irate(istio_request_duration_seconds_bucket{reporter=~\"\)reporter\",destination_mesh_id=\"\(mesh\",destination_service=~\"\)service\"}[1m])) by (le))
TCP Received Bytes Displays the instantaneous rate of TCP received bytes for the current service within 1 minute. If "null" is matched, the result text is "N/A". Unit: Bps "sum(irate(istio_tcp_received_bytes_total{reporter=~\"\(reporter\",destination_mesh_id=\"\)mesh\", destination_service=~\"$service\"}[1m]))"
Server Request Volume Displays the request volume for the current service and shows the trend over time. If "null" is matched, the result text is "N/A". Unit: Ops round(sum(irate(istio_requests_total{reporter="destination", destination_mesh_id="\(mesh",destination_service=~"\)service"}[5m])), 0.001)
Server Success Rate (non-5xx responses) Displays the success rate of non-5xx responses for the current service. The threshold settings mark success rates below 95% as red, below 99% as orange, and 100% as green (percentage with 2 decimal places). sum(irate(istio_requests_total{reporter="destination", destination_mesh_id="\(mesh",destination_service=~"\)service",response_code!~"5.*"}[5m])) / sum(irate(istio_requests_total{reporter="destination", destination_mesh_id="\(mesh", destination_mesh_id="\)mesh",destination_service=~"$service"}[5m]))
Server Request Duration Displays the request duration for server requests of the current service. It provides an in-depth understanding of service performance by calculating durations at different percentiles. The three target expressions calculate the median, 90th, and 99th percentile request durations to provide a performance overview from median to high-end. - histogram_quantile - istio_request_duration_milliseconds_bucket - istio_request_duration_seconds_bucket
TCP Sent Bytes Displays the instantaneous rate of TCP sent bytes for the current service within 1 minute. If "null" is matched, the result text is "N/A". Unit: Bps
Client Workload Incoming Requests By Source And Response Code Displays incoming requests classified by source workload and response code. It visualizes the interactions between various workloads andtheir response codes. This helps identify any issues or abnormal patterns in the client workload. sum(irate(istio_requests_total{reporter="\(reporter",destination_mesh_id="\)mesh",destination_service="$service"}[5m])) by (source_workload, response_code)
Outgoing Requests By Destination And Response Code Displays outgoing requests classified by destination workload and response code. It provides insights into the interactions between the current service and other services it communicates with. sum(irate(istio_requests_total{reporter="destination", source_mesh_id="\(mesh",source_service=~"\)service"}[5m])) by (destination_workload, response_code)
Incoming Request Volume By Source Displays the volume of incoming requests classified by source workload. It helps understand the distribution of requests from different sources to the current service. sum(irate(istio_requests_total{reporter="\(reporter",destination_mesh_id="\)mesh",destination_service="$service"}[5m])) by (source_workload)
Outgoing Request Volume By Destination Displays the volume of outgoing requests classified by destination workload. It provides insights into the distribution of requests from the current service to different destinations. sum(irate(istio_requests_total{reporter="destination", source_mesh_id="\(mesh",source_service=~"\)service"}[5m])) by (destination_workload)
Application Backend Errors Displays the number of backend errors encountered by the current service. It helps identify any issues with the backend systems or dependencies. sum(irate(istio_requests_total{reporter="destination", destination_mesh_id="\(mesh",destination_service=~"\)service",response_code=~"5.*"}[5m]))
Backend Error Rate Displays the rate of backend errors encountered by the current service. It provides insights into the stability and reliability of the backend systems or dependencies. sum(irate(istio_requests_total{reporter="destination", destination_mesh_id="\(mesh",destination_service=~"\)service",response_code=~"5.*"}[5m])) / sum(irate(istio_requests_total{reporter="destination", destination_mesh_id="\(mesh",destination_service=~"\)service"}[5m]))
Latency Displays the latency of the current service for different percentiles (P50, P90, P99) of request durations. It helps analyze the overall performance and identify potential bottlenecks. - histogram_quantile - istio_request_duration_milliseconds_bucket - istio_request_duration_seconds_bucket
Request Volume Displays the overall request volume for the current service. It helps understand the load and traffic patterns on the service. round(sum(irate(istio_requests_total{reporter="destination", destination_mesh_id="\(mesh",destination_service=~"\)service"}[5m])), 0.001)

Workload Monitor

Workload Monitoring

Category Parameters Description How to calculate
General Incoming Request Volume Displays the incoming request volume for the current workload in Ops. If the received data is empty (null), it will be displayed as "N/A". Calculates the total number of incoming requests in the past 5 minutes, including specific destination workloads, namespaces, and clusters.
Incoming Success Rate (non-5xx responses) Displays the success rate of incoming requests (excluding 5xx responses) for the current workload every 5 minutes, providing a visual way to quickly identify potential issues or trends. If the success rate is below 95%, it will be displayed in red; if it's below 99%, it will be displayed in orange. Uses two queries with denominators and numerators to calculate the percentage of non-5xx responses. The numerator calculates the non-5xx responses associated with a specific service, while the denominator calculates all requests associated with that service.
Request Duration Displays the request duration for the current workload, showing the request duration for P50, P90, and P99. This can be used to observe system performance and quickly identify potential bottlenecks or latency issues. (histogram_quantile(0.50, sum(irate(istio_request_duration_milliseconds_bucket{reporter="\(reporter",destination_mesh_id="\)mesh",destination_workload="\(workload", destination_cluster=~"\)dstcluster", destination_workload_namespace=~"\(namespace"}[1m])) by (le)) / 1000) or histogram_quantile(0.50, sum(irate(istio_request_duration_seconds_bucket{reporter=~"\)reporter",destination_mesh_id="\(mesh",destination_workload=~"\)workload", destination_cluster=~"\(dstcluster", destination_workload_namespace=~"\)namespace"}[1m])) by (le))
TCP Server Traffic Displays the TCP server traffic for the current workload, focusing on statistics as a target workload, namespace, and cluster. This helps understand network load and potential bottlenecks, showing the total number of bytes sent and received per second (Bps). destination_workload_namespace=~"\(namespace", destination_workload=~"\)workload", destination_cluster=~"$dstcluster"
TCP Client Traffic Displays the TCP client traffic for the current workload, focusing on statistics as a source workload, namespace, and cluster. This helps understand network load and potential bottlenecks, showing the total number of bytes sent and received per second (Bps). source_workload_namespace=~"\(namespace", source_workload=~"\)workload"
Inbound Workload Incoming Requests By Source And Response Code Displays incoming requests classified based on the source workload and response code for the current workload. It calculates the incoming request rate with and without mutual TLS connections, and categorizes them by source workload, source namespace, and response code. Example: round(sum(irate(istio_requests_total{connection_security_policy!="mutual_tls", destination_workload_namespace=~"\(namespace", destination_workload=~"\)workload", destination_cluster=~"\(dstcluster", reporter=~"\)reporter",destination_mesh_id="\(mesh", source_workload=~"\)srcwl", source_workload_namespace=~"$srcns"}[5m])) by (source_workload, source_workload_namespace, response_code), 0.001)
Incoming Success Rate (non-5xx responses) By Source Displays the ratio of successful incoming requests (non-5xx responses) grouped by source workload and source namespace, classified by whether mutual TLS is used or not. sum(irate(istio_requests_total{reporter=~"\(reporter",destination_mesh_id="\)mesh", connection_security_policy="mutual_tls", destination_workload_namespace=~"\(namespace", destination_workload=~"\)workload", destination_cluster=~"\(dstcluster",response_code!~"5.*", source_workload=~"\)srcwl", source_workload_namespace=~"\(srcns"}[5m])) by (source_workload, source_workload_namespace) / sum(irate(istio_requests_total{reporter=~=~"\)reporter",destination_mesh_id="\(mesh", destination_workload_namespace=~"\)namespace", destination_workload=~"\(workload", destination_cluster=~"\)dstcluster", source_workload=~"\(srcwl", source_workload_namespace=~"\)srcns"}[5m])) by (source_workload, source_workload_namespace)
Request Duration By Source Displays the request duration for incoming requests grouped by source workload and source namespace. This helps identify potential performance issues or latency differences among different sources. (histogram_quantile(0.50, sum(irate(istio_request_duration_milliseconds_bucket{reporter="\(reporter",destination_mesh_id="\)mesh",destination_workload_namespace="\(namespace",destination_workload=~"\)workload", destination_cluster=~"\(dstcluster", source_workload=~"\)srcwl", source_workload_namespace="\(srcns"}[1m])) by (le)) / 1000) or histogram_quantile(0.50, sum(irate(istio_request_duration_seconds_bucket{reporter=~"\)reporter",destination_mesh_id="\(mesh",destination_workload_namespace=~"\)namespace",destination_workload="\(workload", destination_cluster=~"\)dstcluster", source_workload=~"\(srcwl", source_workload_namespace=~"\)srcns"}[1m])) by (le))
Outbound Workload Outgoing Requests By Destination And Response Code Displays outgoing requests classified based on the destination workload and response code for the current workload. It calculates the outgoing request rate with and without mutual TLS connections, and categorizes them by destination workload, destination namespace, and response code. round(sum(irate(istio_requests_total{connection_security_policy!="mutual_tls", source_workload_namespace=~"\(namespace", source_workload=~"\)workload", reporter=~"\(reporter",source_mesh_id="\)mesh", destination_workload_namespace=~"\(dstns", destination_workload=~"\)dstwl", destination_cluster=~"$dstcluster"}[5m])) by (destination_workload, destination_workload_namespace, response_code), 0.001)
Outgoing Success Rate (non-5xx responses) By Destination Displays the ratio of successful outgoing requests (non-5xx responses) grouped by destination workload and destination namespace, classified by whether mutual TLS is used or not. sum(irate(istio_requests_total{reporter=~"\(reporter",source_mesh_id="\)mesh", connection_security_policy="mutual_tls", source_workload_namespace=~"\(namespace", source_workload=~"\)workload", destination_cluster=~"\(dstcluster",response_code!~"5.*", destination_workload_namespace=~"\)dstns", destination_workload=~"\(dstwl"}[5m])) by (destination_workload, destination_workload_namespace) / sum(irate(istio_requests_total{reporter=~"\)reporter",source_mesh_id="\(mesh", destination_cluster=~"\)dstcluster", source_workload_namespace=~"\(namespace", source_workload=~"\)workload", destination_workload_namespace=~"\(dstns", destination_workload=~"\)dstwl"}[5m])) by (destination_workload, destination_workload_namespace)
Request Duration By Destination Displays the request duration for outgoing requests grouped by destination workload and destination namespace. This helps identify potential performance issues or latency differences among different destinations. (histogram_quantile(0.50, sum(irate(istio_request_duration_milliseconds_bucket{reporter="\(reporter",source_workload_namespace=~"\)namespace",source_workload="\(workload", destination_cluster=~"\)dstcluster", destination_workload_namespace=~"\(dstns", destination_workload=~"\)dstwl"}[1m])) by (le)) / 1000) or histogram_quantile(0.50, sum(irate(istio_request_duration_seconds_bucket{reporter="\(reporter",source_workload_namespace=~"\)namespace",source_workload="\(workload", destination_cluster=~"\)dstcluster", destination_workload_namespace=~"\(dstns", destination_workload=~"\)dstwl"}[1m])) by (le))
Service Dependencies Incoming Requests By Destination Service And Response Code Displays incoming requests from different source services based on the destination service and response code for the current workload. It calculates the incoming request rate with and without mutual TLS connections, and categorizes them by destination service and response code. round(sum(irate(istio_requests_total{connection_security_policy!="mutual_tls", destination_service="\(destsvc", reporter=~"\)reporter",destination_workload_namespace="\(namespace", destination_workload=~"\)workload", destination_cluster=~"\(dstcluster",destination_mesh_id="\)mesh", source_service=~"\(srcsvc", source_workload_namespace=~"\)srcns", source_workload=~"$srcwl"}[5m])) by (destination_service, response_code), 0.001)
Incoming Success Rate (non-5xx responses) By Destination Service Displays the ratio of successful incoming requests (non-5xx responses) grouped by destination service, classified by whether mutual TLS is used or not. sum(irate(istio_requests_total{reporter=~"\(reporter",destination_mesh_id="\)mesh", connection_security_policy="mutual_tls", destination_workload_namespace=~"\(namespace", destination_workload=~"\)workload", destination_cluster=~"\(dstcluster",response_code!~"5.*", source_service=~"\)srcsvc", source_workload_namespace=~"\(srcns", source_workload=~"\)srcwl"}[5m])) by (destination_service) / sum(irate(istio_requests_total{reporter=~"\(reporter",destination_mesh_id="\)mesh", destination_cluster=~"\(dstcluster", destination_workload_namespace=~"\)namespace", destination_workload=~"\(workload", source_service=~"\)srcsvc", source_workload_namespace=~"\(srcns", source_workload=~"\)srcwl"}[5m])) by (destination_service)
Request Duration By Destination Service Displays the request duration for incoming requests grouped by destination service. This helps identify potential performance issues or latency differences among different destination services. (histogram_quantile(0.50, sum(irate(istio_request_duration_milliseconds_bucket{reporter="\(reporter",destination_mesh_id="\)mesh",destination_workload_namespace="\(namespace",destination_workload=~"\)workload", destination_cluster=~"\(dstcluster", source_service=~"\)srcsvc", source_workload_namespace=~"\(srcns", source_workload=~"\)srcwl"}[1m])) by (le)) / 1000) or histogram_quantile(0.50, sum(irate(istio_request_duration_seconds_bucket{reporter="\(reporter",destination_mesh_id="\)mesh",destination_workload_namespace="\(namespace",destination_workload=~"\)workload", destination_cluster=~"\(dstcluster", source_service=~"\)srcsvc", source_workload_namespace=~"\(srcns", source_workload=~"\)srcwl"}[1m])) by (le))
