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Installer Release Notes

This page lists the Release Notes of the installer, so that you can understand the evolution path and feature changes of each version.




  • Improved to allow configuration of CPU/memory detection thresholds.
  • Improved to allow front-end dependencies to be downloaded using the original address.
  • Improved to support component installation gating.
  • Improved to remove contour installation code.
  • Improved to support sharing a MySQL instance.
  • Improved to import files when upgrading gproduct.


  • Fixed an issue where values were parsed as empty due to grep not supporting PCRE.




  • Improved support for Kylin v10sp3.
  • Improved the ability to update the global kubeconfig for the Spark cluster.
  • Improved the update process for the Spark cluster's own certificates and kubeconfig.
  • Improved registration of installer version information with global management.
  • Improved the clusterConfig.yaml template to add the insecure option for elasticsearch.
  • Improved detection of the system's IPv6 status and automatic enabling.
  • Improved validation of special characters in the external Redis URL.


  • Fixed an issue where the -j parameter did not take effect after specifying a script with the -s command line option.
  • Fixed intermittent process blocking issues with ps -p.
  • Fixed dependencies on kernel parameters in Ubuntu 22.04.
  • Fixed false warnings during disk detection.




  • Improved the default K8s version to v1.29.5.
  • Improved support for configuring ubuntu_kernel_unattended_upgrades_disabled: true under the kubeanConfig parameter in clusterconfig.yaml to disable automatic kernel updates on Ubuntu.
  • Improved the function of uploading multiple files for offline addon packages.
  • Improved dependency version of charts-syncer to v0.0.23.
  • Improved by hiding unnecessary detail logs in the task scheduler.


  • Fixed an issue with cleaning the skopeo installation directory.
  • Fixed an issue where multi-architecture image import fails with the import-artifact command.
  • Fixed an issue where image check failures were being ignored.
  • Fixed an issue with constant Pod restarts on OpenEuler 22.03 SP3 bootstrap nodes.
  • Fixed a bug caused by empty lines in the image list.

Known Issues

  • When deploying the community version of a kind cluster with v1.29.4 on an ARM-based kylinv10 operating system, the component mcamel-common-mysql-cluster might fail to install.




  • Improved the default Kubernetes version has been updated to v1.28.9.
  • Improved support for Ubuntu 22.04 has been added.
  • Improved support for product components to integrate their command-line tools has been added.
  • Improved the isolation between the bootstrap cluster and the global management cluster in All-In-One mode has been enhanced.
  • Improved the format of the Kubean download URL has been optimized.
  • Improved the parameter list of the merge_values_xxx function has been extended to support obtaining the original values parameters assembled by the installer.
  • Improved minimal version detection for pre-required components has been added.
  • Improved the version correspondence check between the installer and the offline package has been improved.
  • Improved the method of obtaining the installer version during the precheck process has been optimized.
  • Improved the versions of pre-required components have been upgraded.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the vulnerability in the bootstrap cluster apiserver port has been fixed.
  • Fixed an issue of errors when re-executing after a multi-architecture merge failure has been fixed.




  • Improved support for downloading binaries and pulling images from the source site without going through the proxy acceleration site has been added.
  • Improved the Kubean Config has been refactored, splitting and decoupling templates.
  • Improved support for disk limitations for Docker single-container has been added.
  • Improved the ability to set kpanda's MySQL to MGR mode has been added; the default mode remains master-slave.
  • Improved support for multiple architectures for Ubuntu OSPKG and ISO has been added.
  • Improved the error message display for yq has been improved.


  • Fixed an issue where the Kubean version could not be displayed in the prompt message.
  • Fixed an issue of merging multi-architecture images.
  • Fixed an issue of outputting scripts through dry-run.
  • Fixed an issue of installation process timeout and inability to capture timeout steps.
  • Fixed the insight-agent installation issue.
  • Fixed an issue where the firewall on the host machine was not disabled before igniting the fire.




  • Fixed an issue where upgrading from a lower version of gproduct to v0.16.0 would fail due to a bug in the insight component script.




  • Improved support for deploying on Rocky Linux 9.2 x86 with containerd has been added.
  • Improved the maximum number of user instances for Rocky Linux has been optimized.
  • Improved the extension usage of custom actions on the installer side has been simplified.
  • Improved a manual trimming tool script for the offline package has been added.
  • Improved the persistence and reloadability of Firestarter data have been improved.
  • Improved the option to skip Docker runtime installation when deploying clusters has been added.
  • Improved the ability to specify configuration for the Firestarter apiserver port has been added.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where OCI_PATH was not effective when importing heterogeneous images.
  • Fixed the manifest disorder issue with Kubean custom actions.
  • Fixed an issue where the timezone of the Firestarter cluster was inconsistent with the host machine.

Known Issues

When upgrading from a lower version of gproduct to v0.16.0, there is a known issue where upgrading may fail due to a bug in the insight component script. A workaround is to temporarily disable the insight component in the mainfest.yaml file during the upgrade process.




  • Fixed CVE-2024-21626 security vulnerability by upgrading containerd to v1.7.13 and runc to v1.1.12


  1. After upgrading to v0.15.2, the supported cluster have been updated from v1.26.0 ~ v1.29.0 to v1.27.0 ~ v0.29.1. If the lifecycle management does not support the cluster version range, please refer to Deploying and Upgrading Downward Compatible Versions in Offline Scenarios with Kubean
  2. For more information, refer to Fix CVE-2024-21626 Vulnerability




  • Improved support for Rocky Linux 9.2




  • Improved the stability of installing mysql-operator
  • Improved the process of stopping middleware components' PDB during cluster upgrade
  • Improved the process of stopping istiod's PDB during cluster upgrade
  • Improved the process of skipping the push of iso and ospkg during gproduct upgrade
  • Improved the version of chart-sycner used when importing addon packages with the installer dependencies
  • Improved Reduce invalid logs generated during the process of merging chart values during upgrades

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the incorrect rule for extracting external database password when installing container management components
  • Fixed an issue of ineffective anti-affinity settings for kafak/zookeeper pods
  • Fixed an issue of ineffective upgrade for some components and eliminate all images generated during the process of merging chart values during upgrades




  • Improved The installer supports merging images for multiple architectures by calling the upstream function of kubean.
  • Improved Enable the localArtifactSet configuration only in offline mode.
  • Improved Add compatibility support for older versions of Kubernetes in the kubean component.
  • Improved Remove the bootstrap node check in the Community Edition.
  • Improved Use LocalArtifactSet only in offline scenarios.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue of pod restart on the bootstrap node in the OpenEuler 22.03 environment.
  • Fixed Update the version of the operator component when upgrading kubean.



New Features

  • Added support separate deployment of etcd nodes.
  • Added support external Kafka component.


  • Improved Set the certificate validity period of the built-in Container Registry in the bootstrap machine to 10 years.
  • Improved Update versions of prerequisite software.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the infinite loop issue in the chart values parsing framework caused by line breaks.
  • Fixed the incorrect handling of the Internal Field Separator (IFS) in the concurrent scheduling framework.

Known Issues

  • IPv6 must be enabled in the bootstrap node when using Podman.
  • Global clusters may encounter etcd NOSPACE warning risks.




  • Added download offline package breakpoint resume feature.
  • Added Installer now checks if lvm2 is installed on each host node when enabling Brow Storage component.
  • Added Default Kubernetes version in the installer upgraded to 1.27.5.


  • Improved Removed CPU/Memory resource request and limit for Global Management, Container Management, and Observability components in community edition minimal installation with -z flag.
  • Improved error handling for installer's -m parameter, now it throws an error and exits installation when manifest file is not specified for -m.
  • Improved Enhanced logging display for upgrade functionality.
  • Improved Adapted containerd-related parameters from kubean.
  • Improved Repackaged GProduct component and uploaded it to ChartMuseum on Sparkle nodes.
  • Improved log output when uploading addon fails.
  • Improved Adapted helm installation parameters for reusing during GProduct component upgrade.
  • Improved Adjusted maximum pod count per node to 180 for Global cluster.
  • Improved excessive logging during migration of charts.


  • Fixed privilege issue with cache files when installing with non-root user.
  • Fixed error during migration of data from Sparkle nodes to Global cluster during installation.
  • Fixed possible failure during addon upload.
  • Fixed Addressed potential "helm operation in progress" issue in the code.
  • Fixed support for external redis with password in sentry mode for Kpanda component.
  • Fixed failure to deploy Global cluster with docker runtime.
  • Fixed redirection issue in LB mode for Ghippo.
  • Fixed missing metric indicators when starting MinIo component.

Known Issues

  • Podman in Sparkle nodes requires IPv6 to be enabled.
  • Global cluster may encounter etcd NOSPACE warning risk.



New Features

  • Added Update the k8s version of Global clusters to v1.26.7 to avoid security vulnerabilities in older versions
  • Added support for setting ansible extension parameters in clusterConfig.yaml
  • Added support for adding certificate renewal configuration in clusterConfig.yaml, including periodic and one-time updates
  • Added support for offline deployment of Red Hat 9.2 systems
  • Added Diagnostic script for Global cluster in the offline package
  • Added --multi-arch flag to avoid upgrading issues with overriding multi-architecture images


  • Improved installer source code structure modules

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where redis sentinel mode does not support sentinel instance password
  • Fixed failure when adding TencentOS 3.1 system nodes to the worker cluster




  • Added support for Oracle Linux R8-U7 operating system
  • Added support for flexibly exposing kind container mappings to the host machine's ports
  • Added import-artifact subcommand supports importing offline resources based on external services defined in clusterConfig.yaml configuration file


  • Improved For environments deployed using the installer through external OS repo, optimized the ability to select external OS repo when creating a cluster in container management
  • Improved Refactored and abstracted clusterConfig detection layer
  • Improved error messages for pre-requisite dependency installation script
  • Improved Allow installation to continue when ES health status is 'yellow' during minimal installation process
  • Improved Eliminated redundant image integration steps in import-artifact subcommand
  • Improved default expansion of fullPackagePath property in clusterConfig template for offline resource external or built-in scenarios


  • Fixed incorrect detection of external image service address
  • Fixed formatting error in kubeconfig output by spark kind cluster
  • Fixed issue of multiple version charts appearing due to unpacking different version offline packages to the same directory
  • Fixed incorrect instruction set architecture information in prerequisite.tgz
  • Fixed import-artifact exception when -C is not specified
  • Fixed issue where incorrect exit command caused installer exit prompt message not to be displayed
  • Fixed certificate authentication failure for kube-controller-manager and kube-scheduler caused by podman base + kind restart
  • Fixed issue where printing embedded manifest subcommand command indicator would return full mode manifest as long as it is not specified as install-app
  • Fixed command name typo for printing embedded manifest subcommand
  • Fixed failure to import arm64 package again for existing amd64 resources in import-artifact subcommand

Known Issues

  • Upgrading is not supported through the install-app subcommand, only create-cluster subcommand is supported.
  • After restarting the bootstrap node with Redhat 8.6 operating system, the kubelet service fails to start and reports the following error:

    failed to initialize top level QOS containers: root container [kubelet kubepods] doesn't exist

    A temporary solution is to execute the following command:

    podman restart [containerid] --time
  • When installing a cluster based on TencentOS 3.1, the package manager cannot be correctly identified. If TencentOS 3.1 is needed, please use installer version 0.9.0.



New Features

  • Added The istio-ingressgateway now supports high availability mode. When upgrading from v0.8.x or earlier to v0.9.0, the following command must be executed: ./offline/dce5-installer cluster-create -c clusterConfig.yaml -m manifest.yaml --upgrade infrastructure,gproduct
  • Added support configuring the exposed bootstrapping kind address and port in the clusterConfig.yaml file.
  • Added The installer now performs a pre-check on each node to verify if lvm2 is installed when using eyebrow storage.
  • Added The installer includes an embedded default upgrade of the k8s version to v1.26.5.
  • Added support specifying the local file mount path for the bootstrapping kind in the clusterConfig.yaml file.
  • Added Integrated ISO image file import script into the installer binary.


  • Improved download scripts.
  • Improved logic and functionality of the import-artifact command.
  • Improved Made isoPath and osPackagePath optional fields in clusterConfig.yaml during the upgrade process.
  • Improved temporary file cleanup mechanism in the installer.
  • Improved reuse functionality of the bootstrapping node.


  • Fixed an issue where the ES component could not start in OCP.
  • Fixed an issue where the UI interface was inaccessible after installing DCE in TencentOS.
  • Fixed the high probability of failed database creation for middleware databases in arm64 environments.
  • Fixed shell expansion error in the image upload success check process.

Known Issues

When upgrading from v0.8.x to v0.9.0, the following commands need to be executed for verification:

  • Check if the istio-ingressgateway port is 80 or 8080

    kubectl -n istio-system get service istio-ingressgateway -o jsonpath='{.spec.ports[?("http2")].targetPort}'
  • Check if the istio-ingressgateway port is 443 or 8443

    kubectl -n istio-system get service istio-ingressgateway -o jsonpath='{.spec.ports[?("https")].targetPort}'

If the output is 80 or 443, the upgrade command needs to include the infrastructure parameter. Example:

./offline/dce5-installer cluster-create -c clusterConfig.yaml -m manifest.yaml --upgrade infrastructure,gproduct

If the output is different from the above cases, please follow the upgrade instructions in the document Upgrade DCE 5.0 Product Modules.




  • Upgraded ipavo component to v0.9.3
  • Upgraded amamba component to v0.17.4
  • Upgraded hwameistor-operator component to v0.10.4
  • Upgraded kangaroo component to v0.8.2
  • Upgraded insight component to v0.17.3


  • Fixed an issue of failed image synchronization for Harbor repositories using external HTTP.
  • Fixed indentation error in clusterConfig.yaml configuration file.
  • Fixed rendering error in localService configuration when using an external yum repo.
  • Fixed integration issue with external JFrog charts repository.



New Features

  • Added other Linux mode supports the OpenAnolis 8.8 GA operating system
  • Added supports the OracleLinux R9 U1 operating system
  • Added node status detection
  • Added file verification for OS PKGs
  • Added supports cluster installation on non-22 ports
  • Added external file service supports k8s binary resources
  • Added supports external JFrog image and charts repositories
  • Added supports mixed architecture deployment solutions
  • Added supports external Redis components


  • Fixed an issue of missing images when deploying Nacos instances
  • Fixed an issue of repeated execution of cluster installation task during cluster module upgrade

Known Issues

  • Addon offline package does not currently support uploading to external JFrog services
  • The container management platform offline mode currently does not support adding nodes to worker clusters
  • When using an external OS Repo repository in an offline scenario, i.e. defining osRepos.type=external in clusterConfig.yaml, after successfully deploying DCE 5.0, you cannot create worker clusters in the container management. A temporary solution is as follows: After installing the global cluster, immediately update the configmap kubean-localservice in the kubean-system namespace of the global cluster to replace all double quotes with single quotes in the value of yumRepos.external. For example, replace all double quotes in the file with single quotes:

      external: [ "\$releasever/os/\$basearch","\$releasever/os/\$basearch" ]

    replaced with:





  • Improved Upgrade of monitoring components version

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Binary output of DCE Community manifest was incorrect





  • Improved the pre-verification of tar and other commands
  • Improved the command line parameters of the upgrade operation
  • Improved closed Kibana's access through NodePort, Insight uses ES's NodePort or VIP access
  • Improved the display of concurrent logs, terminate tasks using SIGTERM signal instead of SIGKILL


  • Fixed an issue that the Kcoral helm chart cannot be found during online installation
  • Fixed KubeConfig can't find problem when upgrading

Known Issues

  • Online installation of the global cluster will fail, and the following configuration needs to be performed in the kubeanConfig block of clusterConfig.yaml:

    kubeanConfig: |-
      calico_crds_download_url: ""

    At the same time, creating a worker cluster online through container management also has the same problem. You need to add the above configuration in the custom parameters of the advanced configuration on the cluster creation page. The key is calico_crds_download_url, and the value is the value of the above calico_crds_download_url

  • There is a low probability that Kubean cannot create a spray-job task. Manually delete the corresponding clusteroperations CR resource and run the installation command again

  • After deploying DCE 5.0 using an external OS Repo, the worker cluster cannot be created offline through container management, which can be solved by manually modifying the configmap kubean-localservice of the kubean-system namespace of the global cluster. Add the following configuration under yumRepos, you need to fill in the external OS Repo address configured in clusterConfig.yaml in external:

      external: []

    After the modification is complete, select the new configuration for the yum source of the node configuration on the container management creation cluster page




  • Upgraded Kpanda to v0.16.1
  • Upgraded Skoala to v0.19.4




  • Added support for one-click upgrade of Gproduct components
  • Added Adapted operating system: UOS V20 1020a / Ubuntu 20.04
  • Added support OCP (OpenShift Container Platform) to install DCE 5.0
  • Added CLI supports generating clusterConfig templates
  • Added all-in-one mode starts the minimal installation mode by default
  • Added Kcollie component in Gproduct component
  • Added support community version to sync image to external repository


  • Improved Decouple the code for generating offline packages and the code required for the installation process
  • Improved bootstrapping node inotify parameters
  • Improved the full-mode online installation experience
  • Improved clusterConfig structure and configuration
  • Improved DCE Community allows not to check clusterConfig format and parameters
  • Improved installer execution scheduler log output


  • Fixed Removed dependency on wget
  • Fixed an issue of installation failure after repeated decompression of offline packages
  • Fixed MinIo non-reentrant issue
  • Fixed redis pvc that continues to be left behind when middleware Redis CR is removed
  • Fixed an issue of sequence dependency when Amamba and Amamba-jenkins are installed concurrently
  • Fixed an issue that the installer command line -j parameter parsing fails




  • Added Offline package separation osPackage, needs to define osPackagePath in ClusterConfig.yaml
  • Added support addon offline, you need to define addonOfflinePackagePath in ClusterConfig.yaml
  • Added Offline installation supports operating systems REHL 8.4, REHL 7.9


  • Upgraded the version of pre-dependent tools


  • Fixed installer command line -j parameter validity detection problem
  • Fixed The installation path problem of pre-dependent tools
  • Fixed an issue that the host list password is invalid for pure numbers
  • Fixed When the runtime is Docker, the built-in registry image cannot be pulled

Known Issues

  • The installer installation fails due to the pre-installed runc on REHL8 with non-minimal installation. Temporary solution: run rpm -qa | grep runc && yum remove -y runc on each of the above nodes before installation
  • Illegal kernel parameter settings on REHL8 with non-minimal installation, temporary solution; run on each of the above nodes before installation eval $(grep -i 'vm.maxmapcount' /etc/sysctl.conf -r /etc/sysctl.d | xargs -L1 | awk -F ':' '{printf("sed -i -r \"s /(%s)/#\\1/\" %s; ", $2, $1)}') && sysctl --system
  • There are potential risks in the concurrent installation of helm, and the installation cannot continue after failure




  • Added The syntax of clusterConfig has been upgraded from v1alpha1 to v1alpha2, the syntax has incompatible changes, you can check the documentation
  • Added No longer install permanent Harbor and permanent MinIO on the global service cluster
  • Added bootstrapping nodes need to exist permanently, users install minio, chart museum, registry
  • Added installation of contour as default ingress-controller for commercial version
  • Added New installation of cert-manager in commercial version
  • Added support cluster deployment in private key mode
  • Added supports external container registry for deployment


  • Improved The offline package no longer includes the ISO of the operating system, which needs to be downloaded separately. In the case of pure offline, the absolute path of the ISO needs to be defined in the clusterConfig file
  • Improved Commercial version uses Contour as default ingress-controller
  • Improved MinIO supports using VIP
  • Improved coredns automatically inject registry VIP analysis
  • Improved the offline package production process and speed up the packaging of Docker images
  • Improved the offline package size
  • Improved infrastructure support 1.25: upgrade redis-operator, eck-operator, hwameiStor
  • Improved upgrade to keycloakX
  • Improved istio version upgrade v1.16.1

Known Issues

  • The default installation mode does not support unpartitioned SSD disks. If you want to support it, you need to manually intervene.
  • Pure offline environment, no app store by default. Please manually connect the chart-museum of the bootstrapping node to the global cluster, registry address: http://{Tinder IP}:8081, username rootuser, password rootpass123
  • There is a known problem in the metallb community. There is a dadfailed IPV6 loopback address in the main network card, and metallb cannot work. Before installing, you need to ensure that the main network card is not dadfailed
  • If the machine is too stuck during the startup of insight-api-server, the initialization (migrate) of the database cannot be completed during the Liveness health check cycle, resulting in the need for manual intervention
  • The iso path in the clusterConfig configuration file must be an absolute path, relative paths are not supported
  • The default k8s version of kubean and the offline package are still limited to k8s 1.24 version, which has not been updated to 1.25 (PG does not support it yet)
  • If the external-Registry is Harbor, the Project will not be automatically created for the time being, and it needs to be created manually in advance
  • When Docker is running, the built-in registry cannot be pulled, it will be fixed in the next version
  • After disabling IPV6, podman cannot start the kind cluster of bootstrapping nodes




  • Added ARM64 support: build arm64 offline packages.
  • Added support for kylin v10 sp2 offline package.
  • Added Infrastructure Support 1.25: Upgrade redis-operator, eck-operator, hwameiStor and other components.
  • Added support for cluster deployment in private key mode.
  • Added The workload is elastically scaled based on custom metrics, which is closer to the user's actual business autoscaling needs.


  • Improved Create permanent harbor with operator, enable HTTPS, and use Postgressql operator.
  • Improved Commercial version uses contour as default ingress-controller.
  • Improved MinIO supports using VIP.
  • Improved coredns is automatically injected into registry VIP resolution.
  • Improved the offline package production process and speed up the packaging of docker images.


  • Fixed issues with fair cloud service.
  • Fixed issues with image and helm for various submodules.
  • Fixed Bug fixes for offline package loading.

Known issues

  • Because some operators need to be upgraded to support 1.25, DCE 5.0 does not support 1.20 downwards.
  • The default k8s version of kubean and the offline package are still limited to k8s 1.24 version, which has not been updated to 1.25 (postgres-operator is not supported yet).
  • In the case of Image Load, the istio-ingressgateway imagePullPolicy is always.
  • For the ARM version, step 16 (harbor) cannot be performed, because harbor does not support ARM for the time being. The manifest.yaml file needs to be modified, the postgressql operator is fasle, and -j 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15 should be added when executing the installation command
