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Custom Roles

DCE 5.0 supports the creation of three scopes of custom roles:

  • The permissions of Platform Role take effect on all relevant resources of the platform
  • The permissions of workspace role take effect on the resources under the workspace where the user is located
  • The permissions of folder role take effect on the folder where the user is located and the subfolders and workspace resources under it

Create a platform role

A platform role refers to a role that can manipulate features related to a certain module of DCE 5.0 (such as container management, microservice engine, Multicloud Management, service mesh, Container registry, Workbench, and global management).

  1. From the left navigation bar, click Global Management -> Access Control -> Roles , and click Create Custom Role .


  2. Enter the name and description, select Platform Role , check the role permissions and click OK .


  3. Return to the role list, search for the custom role you just created, and click on the right to perform operations such as copying, editing, and deleting.


  4. After the platform role is successfully created, you can go to User/group to add users and groups for this role.

Create a workspace role

A workspace role refers to a role that can manipulate features related to a module (such as container management, microservice engine, Multicloud Management, service mesh, container registry, Workbench, and global management) according to the workspace.

  1. From the left navigation bar, click Global Management -> Access Control -> Roles , and click Create Custom Role .


  2. Enter the name and description, select Workspace role , check the role permissions and click OK .


  3. Return to the role list, search for the custom role you just created, and click on the right to perform operations such as copying, editing, and deleting.


  4. After the workspace role is successfully created, you can go to Workspace to authorize and set which workspaces this role can manage.

Create Folder Role

The folder role refers to the ability to manipulate the relevant features of a module of DCE 5.0 (such as container management, microservice engine, Multicloud Management, service mesh, container registry, Workbench and global management) according to folders and subfolders. Role.

  1. From the left navigation bar, click Global Management -> Access Control -> Roles , and click Create Custom Role .


  2. Enter the name and description, select Folder Role , check the role permissions and click OK .


  3. Return to the role list, search for the custom role you just created, and click on the right to perform operations such as copying, editing, and deleting.


  4. After the folder role is successfully created, you can go to Folder to authorize and set which folders this role can manage.
